Friday, March 13, 2009

American badly hurt in clash with Israeli military

American badly hurt in clash with Israeli military

In this image made from TV paramedics carry an injured American man who wasAP – In this image made from TV paramedics carry an injured American man who was severely wounded in a clash …

JERUSALEM – An American demonstrator was critically wounded Friday in a clash between protesters and Israeli troops over Israel's West Bank separation barrier.

Peace activists with the International Solidarity Movement said Tristan Anderson, of the Oakland, Calif., area, was struck in the head with a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops. The military and the Tel Aviv hospital where Anderson was taken had no details on how he was hurt.

"He's in critical condition, anesthetized and on a ventilator and undergoing imaging tests," said Orly Levi, a spokeswoman at the Tel Hashomer hospital. She described Anderson's condition as "life-threatening."

The protest took place in the West Bank town of Naalin, where Palestinians and international backers frequently gather to demonstrate against the barrier. Israel says the barrier is necessary to keep Palestinian attackers from infiltrating into Israel. But Palestinians view it as a thinly veiled land grab because it juts into the West Bankat multiple points.

The military says the area where the protests take place is a closed military zone off-limits to demonstrations.

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