Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EU representative donates 36 vehicles to the Palestinian police

"Representative of the European Commission, Mr. Christian Berger, handed the Deputy Chief of the Palestinian Civilian Police (PCP), Brig. Jihad Al Musaimy, keys to 36 VW Crafter vans, as part of a 5 Million Euro grant to the Palestinian Authority....

In a speech during the ceremony, Al Musaimy stated that the new vehicles will significantly help the police provide services to the public in different parts of the West Bank.

On his part, Berger said that the civil police managed to prove that it is a professional force capable of serving the Palestinian society. [as can be clearly seen in the photos]

He added that the EU will continue to support the Palestinian police and will help in creating a police force capable of protecting the residents and serving the law........."

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