Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Galloway: No jury can convict me

Press TV

"The 'Viva Palestina' convoy handed over more than 1.5 million pounds of humanitarian aid to the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip.

Galloway told Press TV that the Viva Palestina campaign has also nullified the sanctions imposed by the European Union on the Gaza Strip through distributing cash in the impoverished territory.

"We are giving you now 100 vehicles and all of their contents, and we make no apology for what I am about to say. We are giving them to the elected government of Palestine (Hamas)," said the outspoken lawmaker at a press conference on Tuesday.

"I say now to the British and European governments, if you want to take me to court, I promise you there is no jury in all of Britain who will convict me. They will convict you," he added.

The convoy, which arrived in Gaza through the Rafah border crossing on Monday, set out from London last month but was temporarily halted in Egypt where it was attacked by assailants linked to the Egyptian security agency...."

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