Tuesday, March 10, 2009

George Galloway: the noble man

A Very Nice Piece

By Khalid Amayreh
10 March, 2009

"Unlike many politicians who would rather stay on the safe side, even if that means betraying their conscience, George Galloway represents a rare breed of morally-guided politicians who are willing to call the spade a spade even in the face of danger and brutality.

The British lawmaker has displayed immense courage in speaking up against crimes and injustices inflicted by Israel, the United States and their European allies in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine.......

George: It is for upholding these sublime values that great men are created.

I salute you for challenging the forces of hypocrisy and moral duplicity back in Britain who instead of calling Israel, a criminal state ruled by an evil clique of war criminals, by its real name, hasten to blame the helpless victims for surviving the recent genocide in Gaza and for clinging to life, dignity and freedom.

I also salute you for being “non-conformist,” because in a world overwhelmed by hypocrisy, immorality, human depravity, unethical expediency, and repulsive political correctness, it takes a true non-conformist to uphold true human values.

And, above all, I salute you for exposing and putting to shame the treacherous Arab leaders who played their fiddle while Gaza was burning.

Sir, May God bless you."

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