Tuesday, March 17, 2009


By Eric Margolis

"The White House publicly humiliated US National Intelligence Director, Adm. Dennis Blair last week by forcing him to cancel appointing veteran diplomat Charles W. Freeman Jr. as the chairman of the National Intelligence Council, one of the nation’s most important national security posts.....

Now comes the humiliation of Freeman and Adm. Blair, and the State Department’s tilt towards Israel. All this adds up to a `new’ US Mideast policy that may be not so different from that of President Bush, except perhaps for less overt antagonism toward Iran – at least for a while- and occasional chirps about aiding `moderate’(read: obedient) Palestinians....

But, interestingly, Obama’s foreign policy has veered far to the right from his original anti-war, reformist image....

Obama promised 30,000 US troops would reach Afghanistan. Most alarmingly, after promising the US would get out of Iraq, President Obama now plans to keep some 50,000 American `training’ troops there and large numbers of mercenaries....

This sounds more like the Imperial-talking Bush than the so-called `anti-war’ Barack Obama. "

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