Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hezbollah hits back at 'terrorist' US

(Left) Feltman received by the Syrian regime's foreign minister Walid Muallem, earlier this month.

Press TV

"Lebanon's Hezbollah has hit back at the US over Washington's remarks accusing the movement of terrorist activities.

"Hezbollah is honored to be accused of terrorism by the US administration, which is the top terrorist state," a statement from the Lebanese resistance group said on Wednesday.

The remarks followed a statement issued by the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, saying Washington would not follow Britain's example by opening dialogue with the movement.

Feltman called the Lebanese resistance group a domestic and regional "threat," adding "our position on Hezbollah remains as it was when the group was first designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997."

Hezbollah, however, termed the comments as "desperate and empty," adding that "It is not strange for Feltman to interfere in Lebanese affairs, which he got used to since he was once an ambassador to Lebanon."......"

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