Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How did Palestine lose its prime minister?

Salam Fayyad's resignation may help reconcile Palestinian factions – but is most likely to benefit Fayyad himself

Ben White, Wednesday 11 March 2009

".......There is also the suggestion that Abu Mazen feels threatened by Fayyad's importance, and worries about a bid for the presidency. Yet it is just as likely that the Fatah rank and file simply share Hamas's disillusionment with Fayyad's intimacy with American and Israeli officials.

Contrary to the impression that Fayyad's departure strikes a blow to US policy, there is the suggestion in some quarters that Fayyad's resignation was coordinated with Washington. This points to the strongest theory of all: that Fayyad's resignation was done for the benefit of none other than Fayyad himself.

Polls have consistently shown that Palestinians prioritise national unity and an end to the bitter political infighting above all other issues. The Europeans, meanwhile, have made it known that a unity government including Hamas would still be accepted – provided that Fayyad heads it........"

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