Sunday, March 15, 2009

Olmert: Failed Peace Process Is Due to PA's Weakness


(Cartoon by Ben Heine)

"15/03/2009 Days before the expected end of his premiership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert blasted the Palestinian leadership for lacking the courage to make peace with Israel.

"I have held contacts with the head of the Palestinian Authority," the prime minister said at Sunday's cabinet meeting. "I have no doubt that these contacts formed conditions conducive to signing a peace agreement."

"I've said this in the past, and I don’t hesitate to say this: The State of Israel will have to make dramatic and painful concessions which have never been made before in order to reach (a peace deal). But the fact that we have not reached it so far is first and foremost a result of the Palestinian leadership's weakness, unwillingness and lack of courage. All the rest is excuses and attempts to divert the attention from the main issue."........"

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