Friday, March 27, 2009

The Pharaoh.......a Very Junior Partner of Zion

Amos Gilad: Egypt Our Ally against Iran, Hamas


"27/03/2009 Egypt-Israel relations are "a cornerstone in Israel's national security," said Amos Gilad, head of the Israeli Defense Ministry's Security-Diplomatic Bureau, at a ceremony marking 30 years to Israel's peace agreement with Egypt on Thursday.

"We have very profound dialogue with them. It's important for Israel to know how to preserve these relations and deepen them," he said, while mentioning Egypt's "tolerant stance" during the Israeli occupation army's recent military offensive in Gaza that killed over 1400 Palestinians, including 420 children and injured more that 5300 others.

According to Gilad, "Hamastan is viewed by the Egyptians as a substantial threat to its national security."......

"If I understand the situation correctly, Egypt is in favor of a unity government, but not if it has a negative effect on (Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas' status."
During the ceremony Gilad also said Egypt was Israel's "partner" in the struggle against Iran's nuclear program, adding that President Hosni Mubarak has made it clear that Cairo would not accept a nuclear Iran. "

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