Thursday, March 12, 2009

Qassem: Financial disengagement from West facilitates conciliation

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- Dr. Abdul Sattar Qassem, professor of political science in Najah University and former PA presidential candidate, has opined that the Palestinians should find other sources of financial assistance if they really wanted a speedy success of national dialog.

Qassem told the PIC in an exclusive interview on Thursday that as long as "we take our salaries from western countries then we will never agree, because those countries put the condition that Palestinian factions should not agree in order to continue channeling funds to the PA".

Funds, he asserted, are the main obstacle before signing any Palestinian-Palestinian agreement.

He said that the Palestinians should look for alternative financial resources to get rid of foreign pressures, which, he added, are rampant in the Palestinian political arena......"

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