Sunday, March 8, 2009


A Viva Palestina Convoy Update
12 .30 (GMT) Sunday 8th March

Prepared and translated by Farid Arada

"They are all at the Rafah crossing point. All members of the convoy made it, joined by supporters of Viva Palestina who flew out from the UK yesterday.
Sadly, it was not the end of their gruelling journey as they are finding life difficult at the border.
Press TV reports that leaders of the convoy including George Galloway and deputy leader Talat Ali and Nazir are in intense negotiations with the Egyptians. Reports coming to us suggest that they expect every vehicle to be allowed to cross today.
However, Yvonne Ridley reports on Press TV that there are rumours that there is an attempt to move some of the convoy to Israeli controlled crossings. Members of the convoy are united in their determination to cross at the Rafah border crossing. The Libyan contingent, which comprises 100 trucks, is adamant that under NO circumstances they will cross through an Israeli controlled crossing. Will keep you updated.
Ahmed Al-Najjar, the deputy manager of the reception committee in Gaza confirms that the key to the opening of the Rafah crossing is with Egypt. The Viva Palestina convoy is another nail in the coffin of the siege according to Mr Al-Najjar.
A reception will take place at the gate of the Rafah crossing where the convoy will be greeted with flowers and flags. Then they will taken through the Salah Eddine main road to Gaza City where they will witness the destruction that the Israelis inflicted on the Palestinian people. After a rest and gathering in Katiba Square, the convoy will be divided into groups, some staying in Rafah, some in Khan Younes and the rest in the North."

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