Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sustaining global solidarity after Gaza

Jamal Juma', The Electronic Intifada, 3 March 2009
(Jamal Juma' is the coordinator of the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (

"....Israel has lost this most recent war on all fronts. In addition to failing to crush the resistance within Gaza, it was unable to control dissent in any of the territories under its military control. This defeat was mirrored on the international level, despite a massive public relations effort coupled with an attempt to control the flow of images and information coming out of Gaza, Israel was unable to shape public understanding and discourse. A growing majority has openly condemned the operation for what it was -- a massacre -- and joined the BDS movement. The most recent victories of the movement have shown that the global struggle for genuine democracy and justice is not only a common ground on which the support for Palestinian rights is based, but a crucial precondition for effective solidarity. Our task now is to channel popular outrage into coordinated, collective action."

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