Friday, March 13, 2009

'US Conditions for Dialogue Rejected; We'll Never Recognize Israel'


"13/03/2009 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declared on Friday that in case Hezbollah wants to engage in a dialogue with the US, it will impose its own conditions. His eminence pointed out that the new US stance or "openness" was due to the failure of its regional plans, announcing that the US conditions for dialogue with Hezbollah were rejected since the Resistance party would never recognize Israel......


Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech by tackling the US new stance towards Hezbollah and Hamas. His eminence remarked that the US administration has put conditions for any potential dialogue with the two resistance parties at the top of which are recognizing Israel and abandoning violence.

The Resistance leader made it clear, however, that in case Hezbollah wants to engage in a dialogue with the US, it will impose its own conditions. "But the question is whether Hezbollah is ready to open a dialogue with the US," Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized.

Yet, his eminence deduced that the new US stance or "openness" was due to the failure of its regional plans. "It places us on a terrorist list, but is ready to talk to us and forgive us if we recognize Israel and reject violence," Sayyed Nasrallah explained. "That is, if we reject the Resistance choice, we will see Americans in Dahiyeh."

However, the answer doesn't need a lot of thinking. "As long as we are Hezbollah, we'll never recognize the Zionist entity for all generations to come," Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed. "Thus, US conditions for dialogue with Hezbollah are rejected and we should ask: Is Hezbollah ready for dialogue with the US?""

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