Monday, March 9, 2009

With The Women of Gaza On International Women’s Day: We Will Not Be Silent!

by Ann Wright
Common Dreams

"Would women in Gaza really celebrate International Women's Day?" was the question members of our 58 person delegation from United States, Canada, Pakistan, France, Australia, Egypt, Dubai and Turkey asked as we travelled from Cairo to the Gaza border.

In less than three weeks, the delegates had responded to an appeal by Codepink: Women for Peace to join an international delegation to try to go into Gaza at the invitation of the United Nations Works and Relief Agency of Gaza (UNWRA).

Women of Gaza have so little to celebrate.

Women of Gaza were subjected to the 22 day Israeli military attack on Gaza that killed over 1400, including 192 women and over 400 children, and wounded more than 5,000 Palestinians. Women of Gaza waving white flags were killed by Israeli snipers.......

And that is why we were there-- in Gaza, on International Women's Day, to stand in solidarity with the women of Gaza.

We Will Not Be Silent!"

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