Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Abbas-IOF Alliance: Palestinian security forces arrest three Hamas members in Tulkarem

"Palestinian security forces arrested three supporters of Hamas movement in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, including a member who was released on Tuesday from an Israeli detention facility.

The Palestine Information Center, affiliated with Hamas, reported that the security forces arrested Nidal Abu Tharifa on Tuesday night, after breaking into his home in Nour Shams refugee camp.

The Center added that this is the second time the security forces have arrested Abu Tharifa; he was released from a Palestinian detention facility two weeks ago after spending a month and a half in detention.

The security forces also arrested Hazim Al Noury, who was released from a Palestinian detention facility several days ago after spending two weeks in detention.

On Sunday, Hasan Srouji, from Tulkarem refugee camp, was arrested less than twenty-four hours after being released from an Israeli detention facility after 26 months."

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