Monday, April 13, 2009

Abbas phones Netanyahu, wishes him a happy Pesach holiday

"On Sunday Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, telphoned the new Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to wish him a happy Pesach Jewish holiday. This is the first conversation between the two leaders since Netanyahu came to power.

The office of Netanyahu said that the atmosphere of the call “was friendly” and that Netanyahu said that he would like to renew the Palestinian-Israeli coordination to advance the peace process.

Also, Israeli sources said that security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and Israel is ongoing and has led to “positive results”.

The sources added that the Palestinian Preventive Security forces informed the Israeli Shabak on Thursday that they had discovered an underground workshop for manufacturing explosives in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia. Four Hamas members were detained and Israeli sappers were called to the scene to dismantle explosive devices found in the workshop. The sappers also found materials used for manufacturing explosives......."

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