Friday, April 10, 2009

American and European aid convoys Gaza bound next month

"British Legislator, George Galloway, is preparing along with American peace activist Ron Kovic to launch a new aid convoy to break the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.

In a meeting with supporters of the Palestinian cause in southern California, USA, Galloway stated that the convoy will comprise 500 trucks filled with aid and humanitarian supplies.

He added that the organizers plan to collect aid and donations amounting to ten million US Dollars.

Galloway added that there is a new atmosphere in the United States and across the world that is starting to realize the real core of the Palestinian issue.

Last month, Galloway arrived in Gaza with a humanitarian convoy and met with several officials. He said that there could be no better day than the fourth of July, the US Independence day, to launch the convoy.

Furthermore, activist Ron Kovic said that he would start talks with different parties in order to ensure that the new aid convoy makes it into Gaza via the Rafah border terminal."

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