Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Canadian Judge Upholds Government Decision to Bar British MP George Galloway on National Security Grounds

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"A Canadian judge has upheld the Canadian government’s decision last month to ban the outspoken British lawmaker George Galloway from entering the country for a speaking tour. The Respect party leader led a humanitarian aid convoy of over a 100 vehicles to Gaza earlier last month. Dubbed “Viva Palestina” the convoy brought in clothes, food, toys, and medicines.

Canadian officials say they banned Galloway on national security grounds, saying he provided financial support to Hamas, the Palestinian political party which was elected in January 2006 and controls the Gaza Strip. Canada, like the United States, the European Union, and Israel consider Hamas to be a terrorist group.

Canadian immigration minister Jason Kenney has said those who support, promote and help terrorist organizations should not visit the country.

George Galloway addressed his Canadian supporters and detractors through video link from New York Monday night and joins me now here in the firehouse studio......."

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