Wednesday, April 29, 2009

EGYPT: Market Crash Crushes the Poor

By Cam McGrath

"CAIRO, Apr 29 (IPS) - Egyptians facing economic hardship know how tough it can be to put food on their table. Now they have also learned the cold, hard reality of the capital market.

"We've lost everything," says Hamdy Abdel Aziz, a factory worker and father of two living on less than 100 dollars per month. He and five of his neighbours each put 400 dollars into a gamaiya, an informal arrangement common among poor Egyptians where money is pooled to purchase stocks and then share the earnings.

Their portfolio has lost 80 percent of its value. "It took me four years to save up that money. We weren't being greedy, we were just desperate and the stock market seemed to offer the only way out of poverty."........"

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