Wednesday, April 22, 2009

EXCLUSIVE-Firms run by President Abbas's sons get U.S. contracts



"RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Firms run by sons of President Mahmoud Abbas won U.S. government aid contracts to repair roads -- and America's image -- in the Palestinian territories, previously undisclosed documents show.

A review by Reuters of internal U.S. government records about aid programs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip found that construction and public relations firms managed by Tarek Abbas and Yasser Mahmoud Abbas received over $2 million in contracts and subcontracts since 2005, when their father became president.

Other ventures backed by President Abbas's allies have received loan guarantees, grants and agricultural assistance, the review showed......."

FACTBOX-USAID contracts with firms headed by Abbas's sons

"April 22 (Reuters) - Among the business dealings of companies headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's sons are previously undisclosed U.S. government-funded contracts to repair America's image and the West Bank's roads.

Here are the details about the contacts:


Records show USAID's prime contract with Tarek Abbas's Sky Advertising took effect on May 5, 2006, following Hamas's victory in a Palestinian parliamentary election that January......


Yasser Mahmoud Abbas's Falcon Electro Mechanical Contracting Company signed a $1.89 million contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in May 2005, five months after his father became president, to build a sewage treatment facility for the southern West Bank city of Hebron......"

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