Monday, April 27, 2009

Hillary Shatters Condi’s Beirut Record

But can she propel the US team to electoral Victory?

By Franklin Lamb
April 27, 2009

Hilary tries to shore up the US backed team

Evidently the Embassy decided to call Hillary Clinton to Lebanon in an attempt to salvage the election for the US-Israel team.

With two years and hundreds of electoral stump speeches under her belt the hope is that Clinton could ‘Wow’ the Lebanese with her star quality and turn the tide in what some of the Embassy staff increasing believe will be a Hezbollah victory.

Some are not sure Secretary Clinton succeeded in her assignment.

“Only President Obama can maybe save the Majority in the June election and none of us knows if he is willing to spend his current political capital and risk it on the Lebanese election. Obama risks losing prestige by coming to Lebanon to try to rescue March 14. If he comes to Lebanon and the US team still loses, the Israelis will jump for joy because Obama will have been weakened in his plans to confront Lieberman and Netanyahu over a Two-State solution”, Ambassador Khalil explained sarcastically.

Hezbollah’s response to Clinton’s visit

Hezbollah criticized Clinton's visit as interference in Lebanese affairs. "The policy of the United States is one of interference," the Party’s spokesman, Dr. Ibrahim al-Mousawi told Hezbollah's al-Manar TV. “This interference is not in the interest of the countries they interfere in but are meant to serve the American interests in the region.""

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