Saturday, April 18, 2009

In resistance we are united

Basra's occupiers depart defeated. Our message to belligerent British leaders? Good riddance

Hassan Juma'a
(Hassan Juma'a is president of the Iraqi Oil Workers Federation, based in Basra)
The Guardian, Saturday 18 April 2009

"Six years after US and British tanks rolled into Basra, the scene is one of devastation, with the blood of the innocent spread across the city and Iraq's tortured land. Not even schools and hospitals were spared. On a pretext of lies, history's greatest empire launched the 2003 war to occupy Mesopotamia, inflicting untold damage on the cradle of civilisation. It was an aggression instigated by a small minority of warmongers......

I call on supporters of freedom across the world to stand by the Iraqi people. And to the British anti-war movement I say thank you, but my final message to the British warmongers is: "good riddance". The curse of your Iraqi victims will always be with you, for you killed innocent people and you tortured captives. Go to the dustbin of history, and never forget heroic Basra and the great struggle of the Iraqi people."

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