Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Royal Asshole Wants to Make a Deposit!

King Abdullah floats 'deposit' to spur Israel

"King Abdullah of Jordan told Jewish leaders here Friday that Arab countries need to take steps to encourage Israel to advance final-status negotiations with the Palestinians, according to several participants in the closed-door meeting.

.....it was the first time he spoke about Arab responsibilities for moving the process forward beyond the confines of the Arab Peace Initiative, and suggested it indicated new possibilities for regional peace-making. Several meeting attendees said that Abdullah staked out the concept of an "Arab deposit," or commitment of deliverables.....

Jewish leaders who participated in the conversation, however, said Abdullah also referred to Iran and the impetus it provides for working together to solve the regional discord."He thought that there was more common ground than ever existed before between Arabs and Israelis, given the common threat of Iran,"......

US officials are increasingly referring to the Arab peace plan as an approach that could provide a way forward, and appreciate Abdullah's efforts to maintain support in the Arab world for the program. The proposal offers Israel full normalization with Arab countries....."

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