Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soldiers Confirm Israel's War Crimes in Gaza

By Kim Bullimore
Palestine Chronicle
(left) The destruction of the Red Crescent hospital in Tel el-Hawa, Gaza.
".......The report by PHR (Physicians for Human Rights)-Israel noted that in many cases the Israeli military refused to “give medical assistance to wounded human beings that were within several feet of soldiers” and refused to allow the evacuation of wounded or trapped civilians for days, leaving them in isolated areas with no food, water or medical treatment. PHR-Israel also noted that 16 medical personnel had been killed and another 25 wounded by Israeli fire while performing their duties. In addition, the report stated, “34 medical facilities were hit by the army, eight hospitals and 26 primary care clinics”. This was a “severe violation of directives of international law that forbid attacks on medical personnel and medical facilities”. PHR-Israel said that the actions of the military were “in violation of the army’s code of ethics, the medical code of ethics and basic human values”"

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