Tuesday, April 28, 2009

There is Love in the Air: All Together Now......I Love You.....You Love Me....We're A Happy Family....

Palestinian factions 'progress toward unity'

"Rival Palestinian factions have made progress during reconciliation talks in Cairo with observers describing the atmosphere of the talks as positive.

Azzam al-Ahmad, a leader of the Fatah movement led by acting Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, said on Tuesday that the rival Fatah and Hamas factions reached an agreement during the first session of the fourth round of the dialogue which started Monday, Xinhua reported.

"We agreed that the reconciliation deal would be one package that includes all the controversial issues," said al-Ahmad......."

[COMMENT: If Azzam al-Ahmad and the Pharaoh and his spy chief Suleiman are satisfied with the "dialog," no decent Palestinian should be hopeful. I think that Hamas is well on its way of being domesticated and rendered harmless. This agreement will be hailed as a "great victory" by Hamas; the real victory is that by USrael and their puppet Pharaoh.]

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