Sunday, May 31, 2009

Abbas’s forces murder resistance Chief in Qalqilia


The time has arrived for Hamas in particular, and the Palestinians in general, to seriously deal with Abbas and his Dayton surrogate "army" in exactly the same way Hizbullah dealt with Antoine Lahd and his "South Lebanese army", under the the command of the IOF. Abbas and his Dayton forces is even more dangerous and detrimental to the cause than the IOF, for he gives the IOF cover and his thugs live among the Palestinians, unlike the IOF, and hence are more effective in tracking down and destroying the resistance.

Hasn't the time arrived for Hamas to put an end to this sick joke called the PA (which Hamas is part of)? Hasn't the time arrived to consider the PA the enemy instead? Hasn't the time arrived to learn from Hizbullah what liberation and resistance are all about?

But if Hamas took these steps, Hamas would not be Hamas anymore, would it?

Let us not kid ourselves Hamas is not a revolutionary movement, which is what the Palestinians must produce, and Mish'al is not, by a long shot, Nasrallah.

Anwar Kheir in the northern West Bank

"QALQILIA, (PIC)-- American-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) forces in the northern West Bank on Sunday murdered two prominent Islamic resistance fighters affiliated with Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades.

Local sources in the north-western city of Qalqilia intimated that Muhammed al-Samman, Hamas’s resistance chief in the northern West Bank, and his assistant, Muhammed Yasin, were killed during a fierce clash with forces loyal to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Eyewitnesses said hundreds of PA troops besieged a house in which the two Qassam fighters were hiding shortly before midnight Saturday.

The PA troops, trained by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the command of Gen. Keith Dayton, in coordination with Israel, ordered the two fighters to surrender.

The two, fearing torture and worried that the PA would hand them over to the Israeli occupation authority, insisted that they should be allowed to withdraw from the area.

The PA troops refused and a six-hour confrontation ensued, which ended up Sunday morning with the martyrdom of the two Islamic fighters, the house owner, Abdul Halim al Pasha, and three PA soldiers.

Abbas’s forces reportedly carried out a campaign of repression and reprisals in the area, arresting al Samman’s four brothers.

Samman is considered one of Hamas’s most senior resistance fighters in the northern West Bank. He had been wanted to Israel for many years and several assassination attempts on his life had been carried out by the Israeli occupation army.

Israeli military officials reportedly congratulated the PA leadership for killing the “terrorists.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said last week Israel was interested in “Strengthening the Palestinian security apparatus.” He told the Israeli cabinet that “strengthening PA security agencies was a top Israeli interest.”

The killing of Samman and Yasin comes less than three days after the Israeli occupation army murdered Abdul Majid Dudeen, a senior resistance leader in the Hebron region in the southern West Bank. "

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