Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Arabs should learn from North Korea

By Khalid Amayreh

".....Well, if by “wrong hands,” the west alludes to those states that would misuse nuclear weapons, then we should remember that the only country in this world to have used nuclear bombs against a non-nuclear state was the United States itself.

Moreover, it is probably safe to argue that Israel, the manifestly criminal entity, is the most likely state to use nuclear weapons against her Middle Eastern neighbors, not to protect itself from an imaginary or phobic danger, but rather to ensure long-range plans to build a Zionist-Jewish empire extending from the Nile to the Euphrates......

Just imagine if the people in the Gaza Strip had possessed the means to defend themselves, would the evil Israeli state have contemplated launching that genocidal blitzkrieg five months ago which killed and maimed thousands of innocent people, including hundreds of children.? Would the evil entity have maintained the crippling blockade of 1.5 million people who have to risk their lives on a daily basis obtaining food and other basic consumer goods.?.....

Luckily, some Muslim states in the region are probably learning the right lesson despite all the pitfalls and landmines placed on their road to national dignity. However, there are large and rich Arab states who still think that impotence and cowardice are the best policy and that entrusting the future of their masses to Zionist-controlled America is the best guarantee against Israeli nuclear warheads......"

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