Friday, May 8, 2009

Black Skin White Mask

[Comment: Obama apologists logic: Obama sincerely apologized for killing the Afghans, but Bush was never sincere in his apologies]
Analysis: US regrets, discord on Afghan airstrike

WASHINGTON – The slaughter of dozens of Afghan civilians — either from a U.S. airstrike or from Taliban grenades, or both — sentPresident Barack Obama and his aides grasping for the right words at a delicate stage in their efforts to win Afghan support for an expanded war.

U.S. success in Afghanistan depends on the trust and good will of ordinary Afghans to defeat a resourceful Taliban insurgency, and every time civilians die it becomes easier to distrust the Americans.

Obama, along with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, have offered condolences about the deaths. At the same time, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, suggested theU.S. military may have been framed.

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