Monday, May 25, 2009

Fatah facing deepest crisis ever

From Khalid Amayreh

"....Now, with Abbas, the leader of the “pragmatists” at the helm of Fatah, and enjoying the backing of Israel , the West and American puppet Arab regimes, the power struggle is moving up to the surface and seriously endangering whatever semblance of unity the movement may still have.

But the contentious issues go far beyond the personality issues.

Abbas is reportedly hell bent on “reaching a deal” with Israel, whatever the price, whatever the consequences, and in seeking such a “a hasty settlement,” the PA leader may well be willing to effectively sacrifice the paramount Right of Return and accept the annexation by Israel of nearly half of East Jerusalem in return of swapping land elsewhere.

To Shield himself from expected Palestinian and Arab anger over the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, the PA leader reportedly would seek an Arab and Islamic umbrella to give the impression that the “settlement” enjoys Palestinian, Arab and Muslim consensus......."

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