Sunday, May 24, 2009

Israel Calls for Sayyed Nasrallah’s Arrest over Hariri Assassination!


"24/05/2009 Israel has sounded alarm over “Hezbollah’s control of Lebanon” and it hoped Lebanese citizens will draw the required conclusions ahead of the upcoming parliament elections and they called for the arrest of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah over the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri!

[COMMENT: that is what I call chutzpah.

The real war criminals who escaped (so far) war crime tribunals for massive crimes against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza calling for the arrest of Sayyed Nasrallah! But again, these are Zionists; need I say more?]

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed concern during his talks in Washington last week that Hezbollah could gain considerable strength in the upcoming Lebanese parliamentary elections scheduled on June 7 and possibly put together what he called “a Shiite bloc” that would control the country.

According to government sources, Netanyahu described Hezbollah control of Lebanon as a "dangerous" and "worrisome" possibility that needs to considered very seriously. This is a scenario that Netanyahu has been warning about in private meetings in recent weeks.

US Vice President Joe Biden went to Lebanon on Friday to reinforce US support for the loyalty bloc (March 14) ahead of the elections.

Biden is the highest-ranking US official to visit Lebanon in more than 25 years, and the second from the Obama administration in about a month, following in the footsteps of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The attention underscores Washington's concerns about a possible win by the Lebanese national opposition, including Hezbollah......."

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