Thursday, May 28, 2009

Israel Rejects Two-State Solution; Ball in West’s Court


"28/05/2009 In contrast to previous Israeli leaderships who refused surreptitiously to adopt the two-state solution in occupied Palestine, the Benjamin Netanyahu cabinet is distinguished by frankness.

Israeli vice president and Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon played his cards and ruled out the creation of any “Palestinian entity” at a conference at the Knesset on Tuesday entitled "Alternatives to the Two-State Outlook." He added that “efforts to find a solution to the conflict must stop.”....

In view of this rampant Israeli stubbornness, European and American “requests” have always been vain and the Israelis have always managed to “absorb and prevent” western powers from taking actions against the zionist state, like sanctions.

The masks of Netanyahu, Lieberman and others have fallen as they reject the two-state solution and want no end to the conflict. Accordingly, the international community no longer has any reason not to move to sanctions, unless it is an accomplice. In this case, the mask of this community should fall as well."

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