Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Israelis get four-fifths of scarce West Bank water, says World Bank

Palestinians losing out in access to vital shared aquifer in the occupied territories
Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem, Wednesday 27 May 2009

"A deepening drought in the Middle East is aggravating a dispute over water resources after the World Bank found that Israel is taking four times as much water as the Palestinians from a vital shared aquifer.

The region faces a fifth consecutive year of drought this summer, but the World Bank report found huge disparities in water use between Israelis and Palestinians, although both share the mountain aquifer that runs the length of the occupied West Bank. Palestinians have access to only a fifth of the water supply, while Israel, which controls the area, takes the rest, the bank said.......

"Palestinians have no say in the Israeli development of these shared, trans-boundary, water resources," he said. "It is a situation in which Israel has a de facto veto over Palestinian water development.""

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