Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leading political prisoner goes on trial in Syria

[Comment: Another example of how despicable this "rejectionist" regime is, shame on them and on all their supporters]

DAMASCUS, May 4 (Reuters) - One of Syria's leading dissidents, already serving a jail term for political crimes, faced a military trial on Monday on fresh charges of making statements that "weaken national morale"

Walid al-Bunni, a 46-year physician, was jailed for 2-1/2 years in October along with 11 other dissidents after holding a large meeting to revive opposition to 46 years of Baath Party rule in Syria.

According the indictment, al-Bunni is charged with making "false statements that weaken national morale".

It said he told a fellow inmate, in jail for car theft, Iran was exerting influence on Syria and Syria had contributed to a political crisis in Lebanon.

"I did not say any of this, and even if did, would I say it to such a swindler?" al-Bunni, wearing a striped blue prison uniform, told the court.

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