Thursday, May 21, 2009

A misbegotten government

By Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah

".....In the context of this disgraceful subservience to our historical enemy and its intelligence apparatus, the PA relayed to Israel every piece of data on members and supporters of Hamas.

The cooperation between the Palestinian security apparatus and the Shin Beth reached so high a level that nearly every Palestinian arrested by the PA security apparatus was rearrested and imprisoned for prolonged periods by the Israelis and vice versa.

This means that the PA has effectively become an additional layer of the Israeli occupation since the ultimate outcome of this disgraceful and treasonous coordination with the occupier of our country and oppressor of our people meant the doubling of suffering for the Palestinians.

This is what the Fatah parliamentary leadership is beginning to understand, namely that the Fayadh-Abbas alliance is detrimental to Palestinian national goals.

I believe Fatah, PFLP, the People’s Party should be applauded for deciding to boycott the new government, ostensibly the worst since the creation of the PA 15 years ago......"

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