Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Police State Without a State: PA in Ramallah plans to build 52 new prisons in West Bank

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The PA in Ramallah under Mahmoud Abbas, whose term in office expired last January, is planning to build 52 new prisons in various West Bank areas, senior security sources revealed on Saturday.

The sources stressed that the jails, which would be under the control of PA police in the West Bank, would be built in accordance with the US prison system similar to the prisons built in Iraq and would be in line with the American security coordinator Keith Dayton's security plan.

The UNOPS, based in Ramallah, would supervise the construction of those prisons. The institution only recently started operating in the Palestinian lands and its head office in Ramallah is tightly protected. The prisons would be ready within six months.

The Palestinian daily 'Al-Quds' published an advertisement on the construction of the first stage of those prisons almost two weeks ago in the districts of Jericho and Jenin with each prison costing around one million dollars and built over an area of 600 square meters.

The new prisons fall in line with the American plan that started two years ago aimed at rehabilitating the PA security apparatuses in the West Bank. The security sources said that Dayton has become the de facto commander of PA security apparatuses in the West Bank."

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