Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Public Pressure Made Even the Pharaoh Yield! Hope Convoy finally makes it into Gaza

"The European Hope Convoy carrying aid to Gaza, managed to enter the Gaza Strip, on Monday evening, via the Rafah border terminal , after reaching an agreement with the Egyptian Authorities who initially refused to allow the aid convoy into the coastal region.

Rami Abdo, coordinator of the Hope Convoy stated that the forty trucks, including 12 ambulances, managed to enter the Gaza Strip via the Rafah terminal after Egypt allowed them through under the condition that a limited number of activists would accompany the convoy into Gaza. Egypt allowed nearly 22 out of more than a 100 activists, including some European parliamentarians, to enter Gaza.

Convoy members initially decided to head back to Europe after the Egyptian Authorities refused to allow them into Gaza, and ordered them to leave the terminal."

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