Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sayyed Narallah: Der Spiegell Report is an Israeli Accusation to Hezbollah


"25/05/2009 After the southern city of Nabatiye, Beirut’s southern suburb marked Resistance and Liberation Day Monday as tens of thousands of people gathered at the impressively organized Raya playground to listen to the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah.

Political, military, security and religious figures also attended the massive ceremony that comes amid an intensifying campaign against Hezbollah including the latest report by the German weekly Der Spiegel which claimed that the resistance party was behind the assassination of former Prime Minister martyr Rafiq Hariri!....

“On the Der Spiegel report. To begin with, the plot against Lebanon is still standing. I reminded during the opening of the resistance conference on awareness that the last arrow in the quiver of the US-zionist project to confront resistance movements was founding an Arab-Iranian and a Sunni-Shiite conflict. They don’t have anything else. This is their last straw. After the June war in 2006 and the events that preceded it, the last planned battle to fight against Hezbollah is to falsely accuse it of assassinating martyr Rafiq Hariri. This scheme persists.
We have an explanation for the Der Spiegel report but first I have to clearly and transparently state that this is extremely dangerous. It is not a news report that we do not comment on. I agree with Hezbollah’s statement that this is not the first time that newspapers fabricate such reports. A few month earlier, the Kuwaiti Assiyasiyya, which is known to match the Sawt al-Adala daily in Lebanon, posted articles and reports about telephone lines and dozens of witnesses. Back then, we refrained from issuing any statement given that the Kuwaiti Assiyasiyya is widely known for lying and fabricating news. Other Gulf and Egyptian newspapers also raised the issue after my speech about Gaza. We did not comment. However, the Der Spiegel report is different because the atmosphere, timing and particularly the Israeli exploitation prompted us to stand up and issue a statement and prompted me to tackle the issue tonight. This is an extremely dangerous issue. When the Der Spiegel report was posted, the Al-Arabiya channel made it its main headline and consumed hours of satellite broadcasting on it. The channel ahd sought some satisfactory statements but it was surprised by reservation. It did not find anyone to echo it but the Israelis. Lieberman came out to project himself as someone who gives heed to the law and said that ‘based on the Der Spiegel report, an international arrest warrant must be issued against Hezbollah’s Secretary General. If the state of Lebanon does not hand him over, then he must be detained by force.’
Even more dangerous that Lieberman’s comment was Ehud Barak’s. He literarily says that the ‘international court’s decision (not the Der Spiegel report) to consider Hezbollah responsible for killing the former Prime Minister of Lebanon, indicates one more time to the nature and the function of Hezbollah.’ If Barak had mixed between the Der Spiegel report and the international court, then his slip of the tongue would be exploited. However, if it were more than a slip of a tongue, then his comments are extremely dangerous. The Der Spiegel report made headlines on Israel newspapers. They accused, charged and reached verdicts. They are now demanding punishment on the one hand and warning that Israel, the guardian of rights, will independently punish Hezbollah and its Secretary General.
With regards to timing, elections are drawing near and the Israelis as well as the Americans are expressing deep concern about the opposition winning the elections......"

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