Thursday, May 21, 2009

When Hamas Tries to Play Politics.......It Looks No Different From 'Arafat's Fatah. Is the End the Same?

Abu Marzouk: Egypt will not impose solutions

[COMMENT: How is this guy Abu Marzouk different, is his slippery language, from say Sa'eb Erikat? Erikat too tries to play politics. The Palestinians, after 61 years, need real leaders, not more slimy politicians. Enough is enough!]

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk, the deputy political bureau chairman of Hamas, has opined that Egypt would not impose solutions on the Palestinian factions and forces taking part in the national dialog in Cairo.

Abu Marzouk told PIC on Wednesday that it was normal for Egypt to have a certain viewpoint on the Palestinian file and to seek to implement it, especially when it was one of the important countries concerned with the Palestine cause.

He said that no solutions could be imposed on negotiating parties because such a solution would be without conviction and would not achieve the Palestinian people's interests.

The imposition of a solution would destroy the entire dialog, the Hamas leader said commenting on Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Sueliman's statement that Cairo would impose a solution if the negotiating parties did not reach an agreement by themselves.

He expressed the opinion that Suleiman was insinuating that dialog could not drag on for ever.

Abu Marzouk hoped in this regard that Egypt would play an active role in reforming the PLO as it did in the sixties of the past century.

He then accused Fatah of foot-dragging in the dialog and in all negotiations it joins, hoping that Fatah would attend the dialog with solutions in mind instead of just "keep on talking." "

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