Sunday, June 21, 2009

The agony of Iraq's Palestinians

In a series of special reports, Al Jazeera examines the plight of refugees across the globe to mark Refugee Day on Saturday, June 20.

By Nisreen El-Shamayleh, Al-Jazeera

"In the past few years, the Palestinians' 61-year-old tragedy has been given a new dimension.

The Palestinian refugees of Iraq, who became victims of persecution and violence before being chased from their Baghdad homes after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, are among the world's most vulnerable communities.

The tents of al-Waleed camp in the deserts of Iraq near the Syrian border offer the only home to about 1,500 Palestinian refugees who had been living in the Iraqi capital.

The isolated camp was set up in 2006 by the refugees themselves as they had nowhere to flee to except the closest no-man's land.

Precarious conditions......."

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