Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cyber Insurgency Rattles Regime

By Cam McGrath

"CAIRO, Jun 2 (IPS) - Egyptian cyber-dissidents are becoming increasing vocal in their online criticism of President Hosni Mubarak's regime, utilising a widening repertoire of Internet networking and publishing tools to expose government abuses.

"The media used to be controlled by the state and it was very difficult to publish dissenting opinion," says rights lawyer Ahmed Seif, executive director of the Hisham Mubarak Law Centre (HMLC). "Now, particularly with blogs and social networking sites, it is the decision of every citizen what they wish to publish, and they don't need the approval of an editor.".....

The Mubarak regime is concerned about its image abroad, as well as the impact cyber-dissidents could have on the 12 million Egyptians who go online regularly. Rights groups say state security has used an increasingly heavy hand to muzzle online criticism, arresting more than 100 bloggers in 2008 for the content of their postings.....

It is largely a numbers game, says Seif. The Internet has taken the voice of opposition from activists and given it to the average citizen. And as is the case with many insurgencies, for every opposition voice silenced, a dozen rise in its place. "

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