Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Death and Destruction Unto the Nations. US Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle'

"Hasidic Jewish Rabbi Manis Friedman, from St. Paul, Minnesota, has issued a statement that Israel should destroy Palestinian holy sites and kill civilians in what he calls “the Jewish way” to fight a “moral war”.

The statement was printed in response to the question “How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?” in the May/June edition of the Jewish magazine 'Moment', in a section titled 'Ask the Rabbis'. The magazine printed responses from nine different rabbis, each representing a different school of Jewish thought....

Rabbi Friedman represented the Chabad section of the article. His full statement was as follows:

I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).”

“The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East. First, the Arabs will stop using children as shields. Second, they will stop taking hostages knowing that we will not be intimidated. Third, with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that G-d is on their side. Result: no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.”“Zero tolerance for stone throwing, for rockets, for kidnapping will mean that the state has achieved sovereignty. Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.”......"

Taking the good rabbi's advice.....

Settlers burn hundreds of Acres planted with olives, wheat, and barley

"A group of extremist settlers burnt on Monday hundreds of acres planted with olive trees, wheat and barley near the Palestinian villages of Burin, Aseera, Tal and and Sorra south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Eyewitnesses reported that the settlers blocked several roads and attacked firefighters who were attempting to reach the burnt fields......

The sources added that Israeli soldiers did not attempt to stop the settlers and instead protected them and barred Palestinian fire trucks from reaching the burnt lands.

The Civil Administration office in Qalqilia said that its firefighters and civil defense officers were alerted after the first attack took place on Monday morning.

The office added that most of the civil defense and fire-trucks were violently attacked by the soldiers, and some vehicles were set ablaze......"

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