Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dialog....Dialog.....More Dialog....Some More Dialog! The Hapless Marzouk: Qalqilia massacre would be discussed on the dialog table.

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk, the deputy-head of Hamas's political bureau, has confirmed that the Movement's delegation headed by Khaled Mishaal, the Movement's top political official, would discuss the recent events in the West Bank with the Egyptian officials in Cairo.

In an interview with the PIC on Monday, Abu Marzouk described what had happened in Qalqilia city as "plain crime" that enhances the Zionist dominance, and fulfills the program of US General Keith Dayton who built the PA security forces in the West Bank and called its elements the "neo-Palestinians". [Dr. Abu Marzouk has finally figured that one out; that is progress. But still he wants to "reform" the Dayton forces. Go figure!]

"This term is strange for the Palestinian people, and thus the incident in Qalqilia would indeed have its ramifications, and would affect the ongoing Palestinian national dialog in Cairo", Abu Marzouk pointed out.

He stressed that being the sponsor of the dialog, Egypt should have some obligations towards the wrongdoings committed by those forces in the West Bank, adding that the issue would be opened and discussed at the dialogue table......"