Monday, June 1, 2009

Don’t Forget, Israel Is a Democracy

Deny it and go straight to jail

By Uri Avnery

"How lucky we are to have the extreme Right standing guard over our democracy.

This week, the Knesset voted by a large majority (47 to 34) for a law that threatens imprisonment for anyone who dares to deny that Israel is a Jewish and democratic state.....

The factory of racist laws with a distinct fascist odor is now working at full steam. That is built into the new coalition.....

If one goes to sleep with a dog, one should not be surprised to wake up with fleas (may the dogs among my readers pardon me). Those who elected such a government, and even more so those who joined it, should not be surprised by its laws, which ostensibly safeguard Jewish democracy.
The most appropriate name for these holy warriors would be "Racists for Democracy.""

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