Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fatah deadlock continues

By Khaled Amayreh in the West Bank

".....Kadoumi and his allies, however, are convinced that no matter how much the PA and Fatah cheapen themselves before Israel, and how subserviently they behave vis-à-vis the Israeli army, Israel will still treat them with contempt and refuse to give them any concession of substance in return. Indeed, the rejectionist speech by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday seemed to vindicate the views of Kadoumi and his allies while weakening the stature of Abbas.

This particular factor, namely Israeli intransigence and adamant refusals to come to terms with fundamental Palestinian rights pertaining to such central issues as Jerusalem, the refugees and Jewish colonies, is frustrating and embarrassing the Ramallah-based Palestinian leadership that put all its bets on the peace process with Israel.

Some believe this is why Abbas is insisting on holding the Sixth Congress in the occupied territories, knowing that Israel will block entry to outside oppositional forces, for convening Fatah's full congress under the present political circumstances would call into question his political survival.

Moreover, Abbas has fears that Marwan Barghouti -- the popular but imprisoned Fatah figure -- may be elected the movement's leader if the present "frustrating circumstances" pertaining to the paralysis of the peace process with Israel and the rift with Hamas continue. With progress in sight on neither front, Abbas's political woes appear set to only grow."

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