Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Freedom For Sari Sammour

By Sattar kassem, Professor of political science
Nablus, Occupied West Bank


"Sari Sammour is a Palestinian Writer aged 35, the son of a Palestinian martyr has been detained on 20/6/2009 by the Palestinian security service (the military intelligence) most probably because of a lengthy article he wrote on the bloody internal clashes in the city of Qalqilya in the northern part of the West Bank. An official statement from the security hasn’t been issued but it is widely thought that the critical article is beyond the capacity of the Palestinian Authority to respect human rights and appreciate human intelligence.

In his article, Sari built a dialectical relationship between the bloody events and what is called Hamas phobia so as to unite fragmented Fatah behind Fayyad’s government. He gave details about Fatah’s internal problems that could be put dormant through exaggerating the threat that Hamas might represent. I am sure that the authority, if displeased with the article, can respond with articles. There are many Palestinian pens whose major concern is to defend the Authority.

Sari has the right to be defended by his own people, but, unfortunately, the Palestinian street movement is almost dead. But there is hope that the Authority, through its repressive measures, will pump life into the masses....."

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