Friday, June 19, 2009

Hamas is Begging the Pharaoh, Again! Earth to Hamas: Get Real Hamas; You are Becoming a Joke!

Detained MP's call on Egypt to pressure Abbas to release political prisoners

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Detained Hamas lawmakers called on the Egyptian government, as the host and sponsor of inter-Palestinian dialogue, to pressure former PA president Mahmoud Abbas to release political detainees in the prisons of his militias.

The MP's added that everyone knows how sensitive this issue is and the effect of leaving it unsolved on the inter-Palestinian dialogue, stressing that there were tens of political detainees in the jails of Abbas's militia who spent more than a year in those jails.

The detained MP's stressed that any agreement imposed without solving this sensitive issue will not be more than a crisis management agreement and not a solution, likening this situation to carrying a ticking bomb, that could go off any time, in one's own pocket.

Meanwhile, Hamas said on Thursday that there was no truth to news reports that Abbas's militia has released 20 Hamas political prisoners in the West Bank and stressed that reaching an agreement with Fatah has become very difficult.[No kidding!]"

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