Friday, June 5, 2009

Here is How You Deal With Peaceful Protesters: You Kill Them!

In a Gesture of Peace to Obama......

Israeli army kills one, injures 4 during non-violent demonstration in Ni’lin

"During the weekly non-violent demonstration against the wall in the village of Ni’lin, in the central West Bank the Israeli army killed a 36-year old Palestinian man and wounded a Palestinian boy, that is taken to the hospital in critical condition. Three others sustained moderate wounds.

As every week the villagers of Ni’lin, supported by international peace activists held a demonstration to protest the building of the wall, that steals the land that belongs to the village.

In this week’s demonstration there was special attention for the speech that US president Obama delivered in Egypt. The villagers welcomed Obama’s attention for this issue, but affirmed the need to remove the Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

After the Friday prayer, the march towards the construction site of the wall began. Since the morning the Israeli army had been in the village, positioned on top of the houses. As soon as the protesters approached the construction site the army opened fire, and also started firing tear gas among the crowd......"

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