Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hezbollah: Obama Speech Signals No Real Change in US Policy


"04/06/2009 MP in the Loyalty to the resistance parliamentary bloc Hassan Fadlallah told AFP that US President Barack Obama's landmark speech to Muslims on Thursday signals no real shift in US policy in the Arab world despite its conciliatory tone. "What we heard is a speech that reveals no real change to the position of US policy in the region."

"The Islamic and Arab world does not need lectures, but real acts starting with a radical change toward the Palestinian cause," he said. "The problem of Arabs and Muslims lies with Washington's support for Israeli aggression in the region, especially on the people of Lebanon and Palestine."

MP Fadlallah dismissed Obama's speech as empty words that would not translate to concrete action. "We do not sense any real change regardless of the language of the speech because violence in the region is practiced first and foremost by Israel and by the US armies of occupation, and not by the people who resist," he said."

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