Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hope floats

Saturday, 06 June 2009 05:31

Written by Greta Berlin

"The Free Gaza Movement announces the SUMMER OF HOPE: three voyages to Gaza... June 25, July 14 and August 22, our anniversary voyage. The first trip is already filled with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Mairead Maguire, former U.S. Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney, 84-year-old Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein heading up a passenger list from 17 countries including Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar. The oldest passenger is 84 and the youngest is 23. On this trip, we intend to take 15 tons of cement as a prelude to the larger shipment we hope to bring in July.

We are also putting Israel on notice that they cannot continue to starve a population into submission and deny them basic building materials to rebuild. And we put Israel on notice that they cannot continue to make money on their occupation of Gaza by forcing supplies to come through their portals and charging for them. The sea belongs to the people of Gaza.

We are now taking reservations for July 14 and August 22. We hope to have a new passenger boat by the July trip and are hard at work on acquiring a cargo boat. You can fill out a passenger application form under JOIN IN on the website or you can donate to our efforts to make these three trips successful by going to the DONATE page.

Watch for our news on the website."

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