Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Israeli Journalist Amira Hass on the Start of the UN’s Probe into Possible Israeli War Crimes during Gaza War

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"The actions of the Israeli army during its twenty-two-day assault on the Gaza Strip earlier this year are back in the spotlight with the arrival of a United Nations delegation in Gaza this Monday. The fifteen-member team will be investigating possible war crimes and other violations of international law during Israel’s military assault. It’s headed by South African judge Richard Goldstone, who was the former chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Israel opposes the investigation and denied the delegation visas, forcing them to enter Gaza through the Egyptian-controlled Rafah crossing......

I’m joined now by renowned Israeli journalist Amira Hass, a regular columnist for Israel"s Ha’aretz newspaper. She has spent several years living in and reporting from Gaza and the West Bank, the only Israeli journalist to do so, and returned to Gaza this year a few days after the official end of Israel"s assault. She spent the next four months living in Gaza, documenting accounts of the war and its aftermath."

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